Healing Hands By Lavender Rose
Professional Massage Therapy


Sometimes a Private Suite location to Relax, Restore, and Rejuvenate your body is all you need to heal from the inside out!

Healing Hands by Lavender Rose is located in Greater Cleveland, Ohio and servicing clients from all the surrounding areas. Upon entering our personal and quiet suite, you will notice the calming fragrant smells of all essential oils that will not only help to calm your senses, but also assist with the tranquility that your body needs. 

With a specialized focus on Therapeutic Massage and Reiki/Chakra Healing, there is also an added bonus of customizing your massage based on your current healing needs. Our goal with every client is to transport you to a place of tranquility and relaxation where your mind, body, and soul can find tranquility and peace. 


Deposit and Cancellation

A deposit that will go towards the balance is required at the time of scheduling to reserve your day and time . A 12hr notice of cancellation is required for the deposited amount to be refunded or applied to another appointment that is rescheduled within 2 weeks of the original cancellation date. Less of the notice, your deposit amount will be forfeited, and a new deposit is required to reschedule. 

Please also notify our therapist if there are any  allergies such as nut/scents or skin irritation due to certain lotions/oils.